
任柳杨 助理研究员


姓名: 任柳杨








任柳杨(1993—),女,河南许昌人,管理学博士,毕业于华南理工大学。太阳成tyc7111cc云山青年学者A类引进人才,硕士生导师。截至目前,以第一作者或通讯作者身份在《Journal of Corporate Finance》(ABS4*, JCR Q1)、《Journal of Business Ethics》(FT50, JCR Q1; 2)、《Journal of Business Research》(JCR Q1)、《南开管理评论》等国内外重要期刊上发表、录用论文近20篇,总被引近70次,荣获Wiley Top Cited Article 2021-2022等学术荣誉。主持国家自然科学基金1项,广东省哲学社会科学基金1项,太阳成tyc7111cc校级项目3项。




管理学博士学位(硕博连读) 2010年9月–2014年6月












太阳成tyc7111cc tyc7111cc太阳成集团 云山学者



[1]. Wan, Liangyong, Liuyang Ren (任柳杨) (通讯作者), Bingxuan Lin, Xiaowei Xu, 2021. Does investment banker human capital matter in acquisitions? Evidence from China. Journal of Corporate Finance, 70, 102048. (ABS4*, JCR Q1)

[2]. Ren, Liuyang (任柳杨) (第一作者), Xi Zhong, Liangyong Wan, 2022. Missing analyst forecasts and corporate fraud: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 181(1): 171-194. (FT50, JCR Q1)

[3]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (任柳杨) (通讯作者), Tiebo Song, 2022. Beyond market strategies: How multiple decision-maker groups jointly influence underperforming firms’ corporate social (ir)responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 178(2): 481-499. (FT50, JCR Q1)

[4]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (任柳杨) (通讯作者), Tiebo Song, 2021. Different effects of internal and external tournament incentives on corporate financial misconduct. Journal of Business Research, 134, 329-341. (JCR Q1)

[5]. 钟熙, 任柳杨 (通讯作者), 任鸽, 2022. 家族企业“去家族化”研究:创新期望落差视角. 南开管理评论, (01): 1-22. (国内一类刊物)

[6]. Liuyang Ren (任柳杨), Zhong, Xi, 2023. Trick or Treat? The Effect of CEO Relative Pay on Corporate Social Irresponsibility. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, doi: 10.1080/1540496X.2023.2287492. (JCR Q1)

[7]. Ren, Liuyang (任柳杨) (第一作者), Xi Zhong, Liangyong Wan, 2022. Defending the shell: Differential effects of delisting pressure on R&D intensity and bribery expenditure. Review of Managerial Science, 16(05): 1437-1470. (JCR Q1)

[8]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (任柳杨) (通讯作者), Ge Ren, 2023. Does performance persistence below aspirations affect firms' accounting information disclosure strategies? An empirical study based on reliability and comparability. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 32(3): 1060-1077. (JCR Q2)

[9]. Ren, Liuyang (任柳杨) (第一作者), Xi Zhong, Liangyong Wan, 2023. Do academic CEOs influence corporate social irresponsibility? The moderating effects of negative attainment discrepancy and slack resources. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 32(3): 946-960. (JCR Q2)

[10]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (任柳杨) (通讯作者), Ge Ren, 2023. Performance shortfall, institutional logic and firms’ tax avoidance. Eurasian Business Review, 13, 855–886. (JCR Q1)

[11]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (任柳杨) (通讯作者), Ge Ren, 2022. Founder CEOs, personal incentives, and corporate social irresponsibility. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 31(01), 17-32. (JCR Q1)

[12]. Zhong, Xi, Tiebo Song, Liuyang Ren (任柳杨) (通讯作者), 2023. The role of founder reign in explaining family firms’ R&D investment: Evidence from China. European Journal of Innovation Management, 26(2), 422–445. (JCR Q2)

[13]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (任柳杨) (通讯作者), Tiebo Song, 2022. To cheat when persistently missing aspirations: Does CEO experience matter? Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 40: 815-845. (JCR Q2)

[14]雷倩华, 黄纯, 任柳杨, 2020. 产权性质差异与我国上市公司长期业绩表现——基于纵向数据的分析方法. 金融学季刊, 14(01): 67-97. (国内一类刊物)

[15]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (任柳杨) (通讯作者), Xiaojie Wu, 2022. Founder domination, industry environment, and family firms' earnings management. Baltic Journal of Management, 17(5), 565–585. (JCR Q3)

[16] Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (任柳杨) (通讯作者), Ge Ren, 2022. Innovation underperformance, socioemotional wealth and de-familization in family firms. Nankai Business Review International, 14(2): 316-337.

[17] Lei, Qianhua , Rui Lu, Liuyang Ren (任柳杨), 2019. Non-CEO top managers' monitoring power and CEO pay-performance sensitivity in state-owned enterprises: Evidence from Chinese state-owned listed firms. China Journal of Accounting Research, 12(4):411-430.

[18] Li, Saisai, Qianhua Lei, Liuyang Ren (任柳杨), 2023. The increasing number of subsidiaries and stock price crash risk: evidence from the Chinese stock market. Pacific Accounting Review, 35(1), 105–125.








2023/02 Wiley Top Cited Article 2021-2022

2023/06 太阳成tyc7111cc优秀班主任导师



Dr. Ren Liuyang

Personal Information

Gender: Female

Nationality: Chinese

Research Interests: M&As, CSR, corporate governance

Academic Part-time Jobs:anonymous reviewer for several well-known journals

Courses Taught

Bachelor: Financial Accounting

Personal Profile

Liuyang Ren graduated from South China University of Technology. She is a young scholar at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. Up to now, she has published and accepted nearly 20 papers as the first author or corresponding author in important journals in the field, including Journal of Corporate Finance (ABS4*, JCR Q1), Journal of Business Ethics (FT50, JCR Q1; 2 articles), Journal of Business Research (JCR Q1), etc. She won academic honors such as Wiley Top Cited Article 2021-2022. She has presided over one National Natural Science Foundation of China, one Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, and three university research projects of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.

Welcome students who are interested in academic research to apply for my graduate students. Students with proficiency in econometrics, logical thinking, and a love of sports are preferred.

Educational History

South China University of Technology Ph.D. in Management

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

BA. in Management

Guangzhou, China

Sep 2015 - Sep 2021

Guangzhou, China

Sep 2010 - Jun 2014



Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

Research Assistant

Guangzhou, China

Feb 2022 - Present

Research Outputs

Research Papers:

[1]. Wan, Liangyong, Liuyang Ren (Corresponding Author), Bingxuan Lin, Xiaowei Xu, 2021. Does investment banker human capital matter in acquisitions? Evidence from China. Journal of Corporate Finance, 70, 102048. doi:10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2021. (ABS 4*, JCR Q1)

[2]. Ren, Liuyang, Xi Zhong, Liangyong Wan, 2021. Missing analyst forecasts and corporate fraud: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, doi:10.1007/s10551-021-04837-w. (FT50, JCR Q1)

[3]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (Corresponding Author), Tiebo Song, 2021. Beyond market strategies: How multiple decision-maker groups jointly influence underperforming firms’ corporate social (ir)responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, doi:10.1007/s10551-021-04796-2. (FT50, JCR Q1)

[4]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (Corresponding Author), Tiebo Song, 2021. Different effects of internal and external tournament incentives on corporate financial misconduct. Journal of Business Research, 134, 329-341. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.05.020. (JCR Q1)

[5]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (Corresponding Author), Ge Ren, 2021. “De-Familization” of family enterprises: a view of innovation aspiration gap. Nankai Business Review, 2022, (01): 1-22. (CSSCI) (in Chinese)

[6]. Liuyang Ren, Zhong, Xi, Ge Ren, 2023. Trick or Treat? The Effect of CEO Relative Pay on Corporate Social Irresponsibility. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, doi: 10.1080/1540496X.2023.2287492. (JCR Q2)

[7]. Ren, Liuyang, Xi Zhong, Liangyong Wan, 2022. Defending the shell: Differential effects of delisting pressure on R&D intensity and bribery expenditure. Review of Managerial Science, 16(05): 1437-1470. (JCR Q1)

[8]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (Corresponding Author), Ge Ren, 2023. Does performance persistence below aspirations affect firms' accounting information disclosure strategies? An empirical study based on reliability and comparability. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 32(3): 1060-1077. (JCR Q2)

[9]. Ren, Liuyang, Xi Zhong, Liangyong Wan, 2023.03. Do academic CEOs influence corporate social irresponsibility? The moderating effects of negative attainment discrepancy and slack resources. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 32(3): 946-960. (JCR Q2)

[10]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (Corresponding Author), Ge Ren, 2023. Performance shortfall, institutional logic and firms’ tax avoidance. Eurasian Business Review, 13, 855–886. (JCR Q1)

[11]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (Corresponding Author), Ge Ren, 2022. Founder CEOs, personal incentives, and corporate social irresponsibility. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 31(01), 17-32. (JCR Q1)

[12]. Zhong, Xi, Tiebo Song, Liuyang Ren (Corresponding Author), 2023. The role of founder reign in explaining family firms’ R&D investment: Evidence from China. European Journal of Innovation Management, 26(2), 422–445. (JCR Q2)

[13]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (Corresponding Author), Tiebo Song, 2022. To cheat when persistently missing aspirations: Evidence from corporate fraud in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 40: 815-845. (JCR Q2)

[14] Lei, Qianhua, Chun Huang, Liuyang Ren, 2020. Property rights discrepancy and the long-term performance of listed firms in China-An analysis method based on longitudinal data. Quarterly Journal of Finance, 14(01): 67-97. (CSSCI) (in Chinese)

[15]. Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (Corresponding Author), Xiaojie Wu, 2022. Founder domination, industry environment, and family firms' earnings management. Baltic Journal of Management, 17(5), 565–585. (JCR Q3)

[16] Zhong, Xi, Liuyang Ren (Corresponding Author), Ge Ren, 2022. Innovation underperformance, socioemotional wealth and de-familization in family firms. Nankai Business Review International, 14(2): 316-337.

[17] Lei, Qianhua, Rui Lu, Liuyang Ren, 2019. Non-CEO top managers' monitoring power and CEO pay-performance sensitivity in state-owned enterprises: Evidence from Chinese state-owned listed firms. China Journal of Accounting Research, 12(4):411-430.

[18] Li, Saisai, Qianhua Lei, Liuyang Ren, 2023. The increasing number of subsidiaries and stock price crash risk: evidence from the Chinese stock market. Pacific Accounting Review, 35(1), 105–125.

Research Funding:

Host of Research on the industry spillovers of corporate green M&As (no.72302061), the youth project of the National Social Science Fund of China in 2024.

Host of Research on the industry spillovers of corporate green M&As (no.72302061), the youth project of the National Social Science Fund of China in 2024.

Host of Research on the Impact of Investment Banker's Social Capital on M&As (no. 23TS12), the Special Innovation Project of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

Host of Research on the Impact of Financial Advisors on M&As - a Perspective of Banker Heterogeneity (no.2022RC039), the Initiation Project of Introduced Talents of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

Participated in Research on the Investment Behaviors of "Listed Company + PE" Buyout Funds (no.71972076), the general project of the National Social Science Fund of China in 2020.


2021-2022 Wiley Top Cited Article 2021-2022

2022-2023 Outstanding Undergraduate Tutor in GDUFS


E-mail: ren_liuyang@163.com

上一篇: 刘丽华 助理研究员

下一篇: 王得力 助理研究员