


王艳:教授,博士生导师。会计学博士,管理学博士后,财政部国际化高端会计人才,中国会计学会理事、中国会计学会教育分会秘书长,中国注册会计师协会职业道德准则委员会委员,太阳成tyc7111cc云山杰出学者,校学术委员会委员。国家社科基金重大攻关项目“深化混合所有制改革的机制创新和实践路径研究”首席专家广州市人文社会科学重点研究基地“粤港澳大湾区会计与经济发展研究中心”主任,论文(第一作者)入选首批哲学社会科学主文献(2024年),论文(第一作者)被收录于《中国会计年鉴》(2022卷)财会理论与实务研究论文(全国仅20篇文章)。高级会计师,中国注册会计师CPA。除重大项目外,还主持并完成国家社科基金一般项目1项,省部级以上项目10余项。在CSSCI权威期刊《管理世界》、《南开管理评论》(人大复印全文转载)、《会计研究》、《管理评论》、《经济管理》和SSCI期刊《International Review of Financial Analysis》《Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management》《Pacific-Basin Finance Journal》《Accounting Forum》《Applied Economics》《China Journal of Accounting Studies(会计研究(英文版))》《Nankai Business Review International(南开管理评论(英文版))》等发表论文30余篇,在《科学出版社》、《Springer》国内外权威出版社出版中文专著2部、英文专著1部。作为第一执笔人撰写的多篇调研报告获中央领导批示,被中央有关部门采纳,相关观点和对策建议被推送至“强国学习”等重要媒体,获财政部部级奖。获广东省第八届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖1项(2019年)、广东省第十届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖1项(2024年)、广东省第七届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖1项(2017年),获广东金融学会第十二届广东省优秀金融科研成果二等奖(2023年)。广东省教育厅本科一流课程《中级财务会计》负责人、广东省本科高校2022年课程思政改革示范项目:财务会计的“道”与“术”(“粤教阅心”课程思政大家谈典型案例)负责人,广东省教育厅省级研究生示范课程《Contemporary Accounting Issue and Corporate Governance》负责人,在《高等教育出版社》出版教材《中级财务会计》1部。澳大利亚西澳大学、科廷大学访问学者。在中国企业界与资本市场有十余年工作经历,曾任财务部负责人等职。


数据资产会计处理和价值管理; 国有企业改革;民营企业高质量发展;资本市场的财务会计、税务与审计研究



硕士:广东省教育厅省级示范课程《Contemporary Accounting Issue and Corporate Governance》、《资本市场与公司治理》、《财务报表分析》。


本科:全英授课课程《Strategic Business Reporting(公司报告)》、《中级财务会计》、《高级财务会计》










[1] 王艳(第一作者). 2017(12). 社会信任是否会提升企业并购绩效. 《管理世界》(一类A期刊)

[2] 王艳(独立作者). 2016(8). 混合所有制并购与创新驱动发展. 《管理世界》(一类A期刊)(第八届广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖(2019))

[3] 王艳(第一作者). 2014(11). 企业文化与并购绩效. 《管理世界》(一类A期刊)(第七届广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(2017))

[4] 王艳(第一作者).2023(3).《“非国有派”董事与国有企业混合所有制并购绩效》《经济管理》(二类B期刊)

[5] 王艳(第一作者).2022(06).《“创新-资本”互动共演与后发企业追赶—以药明康德为例》《管理评论》(二类A期刊)

[6] 王艳(第一作者).2021(11).《商誉“暴雷”是否夸大其实?基于“优质公司”的视角》,《会计研究》(一类B期刊)(被收录于《中国会计年鉴》(2022卷)财会理论与实务研究论文(全国仅20篇文章))

[7] 王艳(第一作者). 2021(5). 控制权转移与“卖方”老股东治理:谁阻碍了管理层留任.《南开管理评论》(一类B期刊)《人大复印报刊资料(企业管理研究)》全文转载(2022年2期);入选首批哲学社会科学主文献(2024年))

[8] 王艳(第一作者). 2020(7). 民营企业的并购协同效应可以现实吗? 《会计研究》(一类B期刊)

[9] 王艳(第一作者). 2020(9). 谁更能顺水推舟?来自并购绩效影响因素的经验证据. 《管理评论》(二类A期刊)

[10] 王艳(独立作者). 2020(10). 新冠肺炎疫情对民营经济高质量发展的影响及对策研究. 《管理评论》(二类A期刊)

[11] 王艳(第一作者). 2018(4). 披露其他综合收益可以给市盈率带来溢价效应吗?.《会计研究》(一类B期刊)

[12] 王艳(第一作者). 2016(2). 会计教育理念与创新能力培育. 《会计研究》(一类B期刊)

[13] 王艳(第一作者). 2014(9).“诚信创新价值观”文化差异度与并购绩效. 《会计研究》(一类B期刊)

[14] 王艳(第一作者). 2022.01《高溢价并购可以带来高市场回报吗?》《证券市场导报》(CSSCI期刊)

[15] 王艳(第一作者).2021(4). 民营企业减少合理避税就能获取政府补助吗—企业纳税动机的一种解释.《广东财经大学学报》(CSSCI期刊)

[16] 王艳(第一作者). 2018(11). 中国资本市场真的欢迎中概股回归吗?.《证券市场导报》(CSSCI期刊,2018年11期封面文章)

[17] 王艳(第一作者). 2018(5). 其他综合收益披露会抑制上市公司的盈余管理吗—基于会计准则变迁的视角.《广东财经大学学报》(CSSCI期刊)

[18] 王艳(第三作者). 2024(4). 国有资产监管体制完善影响国有企业劳动收入份额吗—基于国有资本经营预算制度实施的经验证据.《财贸经济》(二类A期刊)

[19] 王艳(第四作者).2024(3). 产业型战略投资者与“僵尸”国企治理——基于股东-公司经营范围相似度的研究.《财经研究》(二类A期刊)


[1] Wang Yan(通讯作者,排名2). Corporate responsibility towards employees and innovation: Evidence from an emerging market. 2022.11. International Review of Financial Analysis (SSCI一区,影响因子:8.235;ABS3星)

[2] Wang Yan(通讯作者,排名2). Corporate social responsibility, family involvement, and stock price crash risk. 2023.02. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (SSCI一区)

[3] Wang Yan(通讯作者,排名2). Corporate social responsibility and insider trading profitability: Evidence from an emerging market. 2023.03.Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI一区)

[4] Wang Yan(第一作者). Other Comprehensive Income Reporting and Earnings Management: Evidence from China. 2021.04. Accounting Forum (SSCI二区)

[5] Wang Yan (通讯作者,排名4). Corporate social responsibility and stock price crash risk: does analyst coverage matter? 2022.07. Applied Economics (SSCI三区)

[6] Wang Yan (第一作者). Has Damage from Goodwill Impairment Grown in China? Analysis and Response. 2021.03.China Journal of Accounting Studies《会计研究(英文版)》 (ABS 2星)

[7] Wang Yan(第一作者). Control transfer and old shareholder governance of the “seller”: who hinders the management retention? 2022.04 Nankai Business Review International 《南开管理评论(英文版)》(ESCI期刊)

[8] Wang Yan(第二作者). Occupational health and safety management system and stock price crash risk. 202402. International Review of Financial Analysis (SSCI一区,影响因子:8.235;ABS3星)

二. 著作

[1] 王艳(主编). 2024.04 《新时代国有企业和民营企业融合发展研究》,《科学出版社》(一级出版社)

[2] 王艳(主编). 2022.04《中国国有企业混合所有制并购中的信任与创新机制研究》,《科学出版社》(一级出版社)(广东金融学会第十二届广东省优秀金融科研成果二等奖(2023年))

[3] Wang Yan(主编). 2021.09.《Exploring the Trust and Innovation Mechanisms in M&A of China’s State-owned Enterprises with Mixed Ownership》,《Springer》(一级出版社)(获广东省第十届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(2024年))


[1] 王艳(主编). 《中级财务会计》,2023年9月,高等教育出版社



[1] 王艳(首席专家):国家社科基金重大攻关项目《深化混合所有制改革的机制创新和实践路径研究》(21ZDA039)首席专家,国家社科基金2021年重大项目,全国哲学社会科学工作办公室,(国家级重大项目);

[2] 王艳(主持人):国有企业混合所有制并购中的信任创新机制研究(16BGL058), 国家社科基金2016年年度一般项目,全国哲学社会科学工作办公室,已结项(国家课题);

[3] 王艳(主持人):深化国企改革视角下的内部审计高质量发展研究(2202),国家审计署2022至2023年度内部审计科研课题,正在进行(省部级课题)

[4] 王艳(主持人):营改增对保险业影响及对策研究, 中国银保监会2016年度部级研究课题,国家金融监管总局,已结项(部级课题);

[5] 王艳(主持人):综合收益披露的价值研究性研究:基于企业会计准则国际趋同背景(2018A030313103),2018年广东省自然科学基金面上项目,已结项(省级课题);

[6] 王艳(主持人):混合所有制企业创新文化嵌入性治理研究(GD15XGL09),广东省哲学社会科学“十二五”规划2016年年度项目,已结项(省级课题);

[7] 王艳(主持人):政府研发间接资助、组织文化与企业创新绩效的实证研究(2016ZC0205),广东省科技厅2016年科技计划项目,已结项(省级课题);

[8] 王艳(主持人):经营性国有资产管理体制改革与创新研究(2019WZDXM015),2019年广东省教育厅“广东省普通高校省级重大项目(人文社科)”,已结项(厅级重大课题);

[9] 王艳(主持人):广州全面推进城市数字化转型研究(2022GZZK06),广州市哲学社会科学发展“十四五”规划 2022 年度资助课题(智库课题),已结项(副省级课题)

[10] 王艳(主持人):2023年决策咨询研究重点课题《广州民营企业高质量发展研究(2023JCZX81)》,广州市哲学社会科学“十四五”规划课题,2023年,正在进行(副省级课题)

[11] 王艳(主持人):2022 年中国注册会计师协会课题“ESG(环境、社会及治理)报告对注册会计师行业的影响”,已结项(国家级行业研究课题)

[12] 王艳(主持人):2023年广东省财政科研课题《财会监督运行机制研究(2023GDCZ030)》,广东省财政厅,2023年,结项(厅级三等奖)

[13] 王艳(主持人):《黄埔区国有企业深化混合所有制改革研究》,广州市黄埔区宣传部,2023年,正在进行

[14] 王艳(主持人):政府职能转变研究,广州市2020年度全面依法治市课题,中共广州市委全面依法治市委员会办公室,已结项(厅级课题)

[15] 王艳(主持人):制度背景、公司治理与企业价值研究,2017年广东省外国专家局项目,2017年1月至2017年12月,已结项(厅级课题);

[16] 王艳(主持人):2018 Visiting Professor Granted: PhD Supervisor, Guest lecturer for MPA students of University of Western Australia,已结项(海外世界百强名校项目:海外项目);

[17] 王艳(主持人):探索建立行业商协会管理人才评价机制,广州市工商业联合会(广州市总商会)2021年委托课题,已结项(厅级重点课题)

[18] 王艳(主持人):“十四五”时期广东省会计人才培养研究,广东省财政厅2021-2022年度会计科研课题,已结项(厅级课题)

[19] 王艳(主持人):广东省会计服务业高质量发展研究,广东省会计学会2021年专项委托课题,已结项(省级行业重点课题)

[20] 王艳(主持人):2022年广东省注册会计师协会行业研究课题《粤港澳大湾区会计师事务所推进ESG信息披露研究》,已结项(省级行业课题)

[21] 王艳(主持人):2023年广东省注册会计师协会行业研究课题《会计师事务所综合评价》,2023.12.正在进行(省级行业课题)

[22] 王艳(主持人):粤港澳大湾区ESG鉴证与企业海外权益保护研究(20237-07),2023.10.正在进行,广东省会计学会2023-2024年度会计科研课题,正在进行(省级行业课题)

[13] 王艳(主持人):数字经济时代电网企业数据资产管理研究, 中国南方电网有限责任公司,2024.03,正在进行


[1] 王艳(主持人):. 广东省本科高校2022年课程思政改革示范项目:财务会计的“道”与“术”(“粤教阅心”课程思政大家谈典型案例),2023年

[2] 王艳(主持人):中级财务会计,2022年省级一流课程,广东省教育厅,2022年

[3] 王艳(主持人):太阳成tyc7111cc-佛山市南海区会计学会大学生实践基地,广东省教育厅大学生实践基地,2021年,正在进行

[4] 王艳(主持人):会计学专业国际化教学团队,2019年广东省教育厅本科高校教学质量与教学质量工程项目,已结项(省级教学团队项目);

[5] 王艳(主持人):课程思政建设项目《中级财务会计》,广东省高等学校教学管理学会,2022年重点项目,已结项(省级重点项目);

[6] 王艳(主持人):会计教学团队,2015年广东省教育厅本科高校教学质量与教学质量工程项目,已结项,(省级课题);

[7] 王艳(主持人):资本市场案例挖掘平台. 2018年广东省本科高校创新创业教育改革研究项目(平台建设类).已结项(省级课题);

[8] 王艳(主持人):Contemporary Accounting Issue and Corporate Governance (2019SFK23),广东省教育厅2019年广东省研究生教育创新计划,省级示范课程,结项(省级课题)




1. 王艳:入选2019年财政部国际化高端会计人才培养工程(全国共30人入选,高校仅10名教授),2023年培养工程结束,正式成为财政部国际化高端会计人才。授予单位 :中国财政部,等级:部级人才项目;

2. 王艳:论文《混合所有制并购与创新驱动发展》,广东省第八届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖,2019年6月;授予单位:广东省人民政府,等级:省部级二等奖,排名:1;

3. 王艳:英文专著《Exploring the Trust and Innovation Mechanisms in M&A of China's State-owned Enterprises with Mixed Ownership》, 广东省第十届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖,2024年;授予单位:广东省人民政府,等级:省部级三等奖,排名:1;

4. 王艳(第一作者):论文《企业文化与并购绩效》,广东省第七届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖,2017年10月;授予单位:广东省人民政府,等级:省部级三等奖,排名:1;

5. 王艳:专著《国有企业混合所有制并购中的信任与创新机制研究》,2023年5月,授予单位:广东省金融学会,等级:二等奖,排名:1;

6. 王艳(第一作者),2023.12,《财会监督体系运行机制研究》,授予单位:广东省财政厅,等级:三等奖,排名:1;

7. 王艳(第二作者,第一执笔人):研究报告《粤港澳大湾区会计一体化建设的对策研究》,2022年10月,授予单位:中华人民共和国财政部,等级:优秀奖,排名:2;

8. 王艳(第一作者):《中级财务会计》教学实践探索:以案例分析解读会计准则. 2021年5月;授予单位:广东省本科高校在线开放课程指导委员会. 等级:二等奖,排名:1


地址:太阳成tyc7111cc大学城南校区学院大楼109办公室 510006


邮箱: yan.wang@gdufs.edu.cn;13570123606@139.com


Wang Yan (Professor)

Personal Information

Wang Yan is a professor and PhD supervisor. She is a PhD in accounting, postdoctoral researcher in financial management, internationalized high-level accounting talents of the Ministry of Finance, director of the Chinese Accounting Association, secretary general of the Education Sub-Committee of the Chinese Accounting Association, member of the committee on Code of Ethics of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA), Yunshan Outstanding Scholar of GDUFS, member of the University Academic Council. She is the chief expert of The National Social Science Fund of China for the major project “Research on mechanism innovation and practice path of deepening mixed ownership reform”, the director of sub-provincial key research base of Humanities and Social Sciences “Research Center for Accounting and Economic Development of Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay Area”. One of her essays (first author) was selected into the first batch of Philosophy and Social Science Main Literature (2024), and one essay (first author) was included in the Chinese Accounting Yearbook (Volume 2022) of Research Papers on Fiscal and Accounting Theory and Practice (only 20 articles nationwide). She is a senior accountant and the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA). Besides the projects above, she has presided over a general project of the National Social Science Fund of China and more than 10 projects at or above the provincial level. She has published more than 30 papers in CSSCI authoritative journals such as Management World, Nankai Business Review, Accounting Research, and Business Review and in SSCI journals such as Accounting Forum. She has published 2 monographs in Chinese and 1 monograph in English in authoritative press at home and abroad such as Science Press, Economic Science Press and Springer. As the first author, she has written many research reports, which have been approved by the central leadership and adopted by relevant central departments. Relevant views and countermeasures and suggestions were pushed to important media such as "Strengthening Nation Study" and won the ministerial award from the Ministry of Finance. She won the second prize of the 8th Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award of Guangdong Province in 2019, the third prize of the 10th Outstanding Achievement Award in Philosophy and Social Sciences of Guangdong Province (2024), the third prize of the 7th Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award of Guangdong Province in 2017, and the second prize of the 12th Guangdong Excellent Financial Research Achievements of the Guangdong Institute of Finance (2023). As the chief director, she is in charge of a first-class undergraduate program called “Intermediate Financial Accounting” of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, a model project in civic reform of the Guangdong Provincial Undergraduate Colleges in the year 2022: "Tao" and "Technique" of Financial Accounting (a typical case of the "Guangdong Teaching and Reading" project). She is also responsible for "Contemporary Accounting Issue and Corporate Governance", which is a model course for postgraduate students of Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, and has published a textbook "Intermediate Financial Accounting" in Higher Education Publishing House. Besides, she is a visiting scholar in University of Western Australia, and Curtin University, Australia. She has more than ten years of working experience in the Chinese business community and capital market, and has served as the head of financial department and so on.

Research Direction:

Accounting treatment and value management of data assets; Reform of state-owned enterprises; High-quality development of private enterprises; Research on financial accounting, taxation and auditing in capital markets.


Courses Taught

Master’s courses: Provincial model courses of Department of Education of Guangdong Province “Contemporary Accounting Issue and Corporate Governance” & “Financial Statement Analysis”

Professional Master’s courses: “Writing of Case Papers” “Advanced Financial Accounting”, “Advanced Financial Management” & “Corporate Finance”

Bachelor’s courses: “Strategic Business Reporting (in English)”, “Intermediate Financial Accounting” & “Advanced Financial Accounting”

Educational History

2013.09 - 2016.06, Central University of Finance and Economics, Postdoctoral Station, obtained a Postdoctoral in Business Administration.

2010.09 - 2013.06, Wuhan University, got a PHD in Accounting.



Since April 2020, she has worked as a professor and Outstanding Scholar of Yunshan, School of Accounting, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.

From September 2014 to March 2020, she worked as a professor and NanLing Scholar, School of Accounting, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics.

Research Outputs

I. Papers

(I) Papers in Chinese:

[1] Wang Yan (First author). 2017(12). Can Social Trust Improve Corporate M&A Performance?. Management World (Chinese) (Class I: A).

[2] Wang Yan (Independent author). 2016(8). The Mixed Ownership M&A Activities and Innovation-driven Development. Management World (Chinese) (Class I: A) (Second Prize of the 8th Guangdong Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award (2019))

[3] Wang Yan (First author). 2014(11). The Firm's Culture and the Performances of the Merging. Management World (Chinese) (Class I: A) (Third Prize of the 7th Guangdong Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award (2017))

[4] Wang Yan (First author).2023(3). Directors Appointed by Non-state Shareholders and Mixed Ownership M&A Performance of Slate owned Enterprises. Economic Management (Chinese) (Class II: B)

[5] Wang Yan (First author).2022(06). “Innovation-Capital" Interaction and the Catch-up of Latecomers: The Case of WuXi AppTec. Management Review (Chinese) (Class II: A).

[6] Wang Yan (First author). 2021(11). Has Damage from Goodwill Impairment Grown in China? Analysis and Response. Accounting Research (Chinese) (Class I: B) (Included in the China Accounting Yearbook (Volume 2022), Research Papers on Fiscal and Accounting Theory and Practice (only 20 articles nationwide)).

[7] Wang Yan (First author). 2021(5). Control Transfer and “Seller” Old Shareholder Governance: Who Hinders the Retention of Management. Nankai Management Review (Chinese) (Class I: B). Reprinted in full in NPC Reproduction Newspaper Materials (Enterprise Management Research) (2, 2022); selected as one of the first batch of Philosophy and Social Science Main Literature (2024)).

[8] Wang Yan (First author). 2020(7). Can the M&A Synergy of Private Enterprises Be Realized?. Accounting Research (Chinese) (Class I: B)

[9] Wang, Yan (First author). 2020(9). Which ls the Smartest?Evidence from China's M&A Market. Management Review (Chinese) (Class II: A).

[10] Wang, Yan (Independent author). 2020(10). Impact of COVID-19 Pneumonia Epidemic on High-quality Development of Private Economy and Countermeasures. Management Review (Chinese) (Class II: A).

[11] Wang Yan (First author). 2018(4). Do Disclosure of Other Comprehensive Income Enhance Price-Earnings Ratio of Listed Companies. Accounting Research (Chinese) (Class I: B)

[12] Wang, Yan (First author). 2016(2). Study on Accounting Education Ideas and Innovation Ability CultivationAn Investigation Based on "Teaching of Accounting Course for Non Accounting Majors. Accounting Research (Chinese) (A Class B Journal)

[13] Wang Yan (First author). 2014(9). “Integrity and Innovation Value" Cultural Difference and Performance of M&A Based on Equity Merger Transactions of China's Listed Companies from 2008 to 2010. Accounting Research (Chinese) (Class I: B).

[14] Wang, Yan (First author). 2022(01). Can High-Premium M&A Bring about High Market Performance?. Securities Market Herald (Chinese) (CSSCI).

[15] Wang Yan (First author). 2021(4). Can Private Enterprises Obtain More Government Subsides by Reducing Reasonable Tax Avoidance: An Interpretation of Corporate Tax Payment Motivation. Journal of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics (Chinese) (CSSCI).

[16] Wang Yan (First author). 2018(11). Does the Capital Market Really Welcome the Return of the China Concept Stocks?. Securities Market Herald (Chinese) (CSSCI, cover article for 11, 2018)

[17] Wang Yan (First author). 2018(5). Can OCI Disclosure Curb Earnings Management of Listed Companies: A Perspective of Changes in Accounting Standards. Journal of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics (Chinese) (CSSCI).

[18] Wang Yan (Third author). 2024(4). Does the Improvement of State-owned Assets Supervision System Affect the Labor Income Share of State-owned Enterprises-Based on Empirical Evidence of the Implementation of State-owned Capital Operation Budget System. Finance and Trade Economics (Chinese) (Class II: A).

[19] Wang Yan (4th author). 2024(3). Industrial strategic investors and governance of "zombie" state-owned enterprises: A study based on the similarity of shareholders' and companies' business scope. Research in Finance and Economics (Chinese) (Class II: A).

(2) Papers in English:

[1] Wang Yan (Corresponding author, rank 2). Corporate responsibility towards employees and innovation: evidence from an emerging market. 2022.11. International Review of Financial Analysis (SSCI-Q1, IF: 8.235; ABS 3).

[2] Wang Yan (Corresponding author, rank 2). Corporate social responsibility, family involvement, and stock price crash risk. 2023.02. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (SSCI-Q1).

[3] Wang Yan (Corresponding author, rank 2). Corporate social responsibility and insider trading profitability: Evidence from an emerging market. 2023.03. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI-Q1)

[4] Wang Yan (First author). Other Comprehensive Income Reporting and Earnings Management: Evidence from China. 2021.04. Accounting Forum (SSCI-Q2).

[5] Wang Yan (Corresponding author, rank 4). Corporate social responsibility and stock price crash risk: does analyst coverage matter?. 2022.07. Applied Economics (SSCI-Q3)

[6] Wang Yan (First author). Has Damage from Goodwill Impairment Grown in China?. Analysis and Response. 2021.03. China Journal of Accounting Studies

[7] Wang Yan (First author). Control transfer and old shareholder governance of the "seller": who hinders the management retention?. 2022.04. Nankai Business Review International (ESCI)

[8] Wang Yan (Second author). Occupational health and safety management system and stock price crash risk. 202402. International Review of Financial Analysis (SSCI-Q1, IF: 8.235; ABS 3)

II. Publications

[1] Wang Yan (ed.). 2024.04 Research on the Integration and Development of State-owned Enterprises and Private Enterprises in the New Era, Science Press (First Class Publishing House)

[2] Wang Yan (ed.). 2022.04 Research on Trust and Innovation Mechanisms in Mixed Ownership Mergers and Acquisitions of Chinese State-owned Enterprises. Science Press (First Class Publishing House) (Second Prize of the Twelfth Guangdong Outstanding Financial Research Achievements of Guangdong Financial Society (2023))

[3] Wang Yan (ed.). 2021.09. Exploring the Trust and Innovation Mechanisms in M&A of China's State-owned Enterprises with Mixed Ownership, Springer (First Class Publishing House) (Won the Third Prize of the Tenth Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award of Guangdong Province (2024))

III. Textbook

[1] Wang Yan (ed.). Intermediate Financial Accounting, September 2023, Higher Education Publishing House

IV. Hosting Projects

(I) Research Projects

[1] Wang Yan (Host): Chief Expert of the Major Research Project of the National Social Science Foundation, Research on Mechanism Innovation and Practical Path of Deepening Mixed Ownership Reform (21ZDA039), Major Project of the National Social Science Foundation in 2021, National Philosophy and Social Science Work Office, (National Major Project);

[2] Wang Yan (Host): Research on trust innovation mechanism in mixed ownership merger and acquisition of state-owned enterprises (16BGL058), 2016 annual general project of National Social Science Foundation, National Office of Philosophy and Social Science Work, Completed (national project);

[3] Wang Yan (Host): Research on the high-quality development of internal audit under the perspective of deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises (2202), Internal Audit Scientific Research Topics of the National Audit Office for the Years of 2022 to 2023, ongoing (provincial and ministerial level topics)

[4] Wang Yan (Host): Study on the Impact of Camp Reform and Increase on the Insurance Industry and Countermeasures, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) 2016 Ministerial Research Topic, State Financial Supervision Administration, Completed (Ministerial Level Topic);

[5] Wang Yan (Host): Research study on the value of comprehensive income disclosure: based on the background of international convergence of corporate accounting standards (2018A030313103), 2018 Guangdong Natural Science Foundation Upper-level Project, Completed (Provincial-level Project);

[6] Wang Yan (Host): Research on embedded governance of innovation culture in mixed ownership enterprises (GD15XGL09), 2016 annual project of the 12th Five-Year Plan of Philosophy and Social Science of Guangdong Province, completed (provincial project);

[7] Wang Yan (Host): An empirical study of government R&D indirect funding, organizational culture and enterprise innovation performance (2016ZC0205), 2016 Science and Technology Plan Project of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, completed (provincial project);

[8] Wang Yan (Host): Research on the reform and innovation of the management system of operational state-owned assets (2019WZDXM015), 2019 Guangdong Provincial Department of Education "Guangdong Provincial Major Projects of Ordinary Colleges and Universities (humanities and social sciences)", completed (departmental level major projects);

[9] Wang Yan (Host): Study on Comprehensively Promoting Urban Digital Transformation in Guangzhou (2022GZZK06), Guangzhou Municipal Philosophy and Social Science Development "14th Five-Year Plan" 2022 Subsidized Subjects (Think Tank Subjects), Completed (Sub-provincial Subjects).

[10] Wang Yan (Host): 2023 Decision-making and Consultancy Research Priority Topic "Research on the High-Quality Development of Private Enterprises in Guangzhou (2023JCZX81)", Guangzhou Philosophy and Social Science "14th Five-Year Plan", 2023, ongoing (sub-provincial topic)

[11] Wang Yan (Host): "The Impact of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Reporting on the CPA Profession", China Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 2022, Completed (National Industry Research Project)

[12] Wang Yan (Host): 2023 Guangdong Provincial Finance Research Project "Research on the Operation Mechanism of Financial and Accounting Supervision (2023GDCZ030)", Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance, 2023, completed (departmental third prize)

[13] Wang Yan (Host): Research on Deepening Mixed Ownership Reform of State-owned Enterprises in Huangpu District, Publicity Department of Huangpu District, Guangzhou, 2023, ongoing

[14] Wang Yan (Host): Research on the Transformation of Government Functions, Guangzhou 2020 Comprehensive Legal Governance of Municipality Topic, Office of the Comprehensive Legal Governance Committee of CPC Guangzhou Municipal Committee, Completed (Departmental Level Topic)

[15] Wang Yan (Host): Research on institutional background, corporate governance and enterprise value, 2017 Guangdong Foreign Experts Bureau Project, January 2017 to December 2017, completed (department-level project);

[16] Wang Yan (Host): 2018 Visiting Professor Granted: PhD Supervisor, Guest lecturer for MPA students of University of Western Australia, completed (Overseas World Top 100 Schools Project: Overseas Project);

[17] Wang Yan (Host): Exploring the Establishment of Management Talent Evaluation Mechanism for Industry Business Associations, commissioned by the Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce (Guangzhou Chamber of Commerce) in 2021, completed (Departmental Key Project)

[18] Wang Yan (Host): "14th Five-Year Plan" period of Guangdong Province, accounting personnel training research, Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance 2021-2022 accounting research topics, has been completed (department-level topics)

[19] Wang Yan (Host): Research on the High-Quality Development of Accounting Service Industry in Guangdong Province, Guangdong Provincial Accounting Association 2021 Special Commissioned Project, Completed (Provincial Key Issues)

[20] Wang Yan (Host): Study on Promoting ESG Information Disclosure by Accounting Firms in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area, Guangdong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 2022, completed (provincial-level industry topic)

[21] Wang Yan (Host): 2023 Guangdong Association of Certified Public Accountants Industry Research Topic "Comprehensive Evaluation of Accounting Firms", 2023.12. underway (provincial industry topic)

[22] Wang Yan (Host): Research on ESG Forensics and Overseas Rights Protection of Enterprises in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area (20237-07),2023.10. Ongoing, Guangdong Provincial Accounting Association Accounting Research Topic for the Years of 2023-2024, Ongoing (Provincial-level Industry Topic)

[23] Wang Yan (Host): Research on Data Asset Management of Power Grid Enterprises in the Era of Digital Economy, China Southern Power Grid Company Limited, 2024.03. ongoing

(II) Chairing Teaching and Research Projects

[1] Wang Yan (Host): Guangdong Undergraduate Colleges and Universities 2022 Curriculum and Political Reform Demonstration Project: "Tao" and "Technique" of Financial Accounting (Typical Case of "Guangdong Teaching and Reading" Curriculum and Political Reform), 2023, in progress. 2023

[2] Wang Yan (Host): Intermediate Financial Accounting, 2022 Provincial First-class Course, Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, 2022

[3] Wang Yan (Host): Guangdong University of Foreign Studies - Foshan Nanhai District Accounting Association Student Practice Base, Guangdong Provincial Department of Education Student Practice Base, 2021, in progress

[4] Wang Yan (Host): Internationalization Teaching Team of Accounting, Teaching Quality and Teaching Quality Project of Undergraduate Colleges and Universities, Department of Education of Guangdong Province, 2019, completed (Provincial Teaching Team Project);

[5] Wang Yan (Host): Curriculum ideology and politics construction project, Intermediate Financial Accounting, Guangdong Higher Education Institutes Teaching Management Society, 2022 key project, completed (provincial key project);

[6] Wang Yan (Host): Accounting teaching team, teaching quality and teaching quality project of undergraduate colleges and universities, Guangdong Provincial Department of Education, 2015, concluded, (provincial project);

[7] Wang Yan (Host): Capital market case mining platform. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Reform Research Project of Undergraduate Colleges and Universities in Guangdong Province, 2018 (Platform Construction Category). Completed (provincial-level project);

[8] Wang Yan (Host): Contemporary Accounting Issue and Corporate Governance (2019SFK23), Guangdong Provincial Education Department 2019 Guangdong Postgraduate Education Innovation Program, Provincial Demonstration Courses, Closed (Provincial Subject)



Certified Public Accountant of China (CICPA), Senior Accountant.

Awards & Others

1. Wang Yan: selected for the 2019 Ministry of Finance Internationalized High-level Accounting Talent Training Project (30 people selected nationwide, only 10 professors in universities), and formally become the internationalized high-level accounting talents of the Ministry of Finance at the end of the training project in 2023. Awarded by: Ministry of Finance of China, Grade: Ministerial Talent Project;

2. Wang Yan: Thesis "The M&A of Mixed Ownership and Innovation-Driven Development", Second Prize of the Eighth Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award of Guangdong Province, June 2019; Awarded by: People's Government of Guangdong Province, Rank: Second Prize of Provincial and Ministerial Level, Rank: 1;

3. Wang Yan: English monograph "Exploring the Trust and Innovation Mechanisms in M&A of China's State-owned Enterprises with Mixed Ownership", Third Prize of the Tenth Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award of Guangdong province. 2024; Awarded by: People's Government of Guangdong Province, Grade: Third Prize of Provincial Ministerial Level, Rank: 1;

4. Wang Yan (First author): Thesis, "Corporate Culture and Merger and Acquisition Performance", Third Prize of the Seventh Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award of Guangdong Province, October 2017; awarded by: the People's Government of Guangdong Province, Grade: Provincial and Ministerial Third Prize, Rank: 1;

5. Wang Yan: Monograph, Research on “Trust and Innovation Mechanism in Mixed Ownership Mergers and Acquisitions of State-owned Enterprises”, May 2023; Awarded by: Guangdong Provincial Society of Finance, Grade: Second Prize, Rank: 1;

6. Wang Yan (First author), 2023.12, "Research on the Operation Mechanism of Finance and Accounting Supervision System", awarded by: Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance, Grade: Third Prize, Rank: 1;

8. Wang Yan (Second author, first writer): research report, "Research on Countermeasures for the Construction of Accounting Integration in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao", 2022.10, awarded by: Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China, Grade: Excellence Award, Rank: 2;

9. Wang Yan (First author): Exploration on Teaching Practice of Intermediate Financial Accounting: Interpretation of Accounting Standards by Case Study. May 2021; Awarded by: Guangdong Undergraduate Colleges and Universities Online Open Course Steering Committee. Grade: Second Prize, Rank: 1.


Address: Office 109, College Building, University South Campus, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 510006

E-mail: yan.wang@gdufs.edu.cn; 13570123606@139.com

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下一篇: 曹瑜强 副教授